
Tine Vervoort

Tine Vervoort is Associate Professor at the Department of Experimental-Clinical and Health
Psychology at Ghent University and head of the Health Equity Advancement Lab in Ghent. She has a
background in clinical psychology (MSc, 2003) and psychiatric nursing (BSc, 1998). She became
intrigued in pain research during her clinical psychology internship (2001) at the Bath Centre for Pain
Services (UK) where she worked on a newly developed adolescent chronic pain programme. She has
systematically conceptualized the dynamic interaction between persons in pain and caregivers in
terms that facilitate empirical study of diverse interpersonal dynamics in the context of pain. Drawing
upon an affective-motivational account she leads a theoretically integrative and clinically
informative program of research addressing the role of (observer) empathy, pain-related appraisals
(e.g., injustice) and emotion in understanding dynamics of caregiver prosocial as well as
stigmatizing behaviours and how this may differentially impact various health outcomes. She focuses on understanding and targeting health inequities accross various contexts, including pain and suffering, mental health treatments and workplace environments.

She has developed an extensive (inter)national collaborative network across Canada (e.g., (IWK
Children's Hospital in Halifax; University of (Northern) British Columbia, Vancouver; University of
Calgary; Alberta Children's hospital research institute), the United States (Indiana University of
Indianapolis) and elsewhere. Her work has been presented at numerous international congresses and
published within internationally peer-reviewed papers. She serves as section editor Pediatric Pain for
the European Journal of Pain and is founding editor of the comprehensive book ‘Social and
interpersonal dynamics in pain: We don’t suffer alone’; the first volume of its kind to review the
interpersonal dynamics of pain and suffering in depth and systemically. International recognition of her work is
reflected in a number of prestigious awards and scholarships that she has received such as the EFIC
Grünenthal Award (EGG — 2009) for innovative and exploratory clinical pain research, the IASP Ulf
Lindblom Young Investigator Award (2014) for outstanding contributions to clinical pain research and
the Early Career Grant of the IASP Pain in Childhood (2019). She teaches 'Clinical Psychological Skills' and is involved in mentoring clinical psychology students during internships. 

Following her evolving interest in bridging research and clinical work and her ambition to enlarge
societal impact of research, she established PRAKTIJK50; a multidisciplinary clinical practice (founded in 2021)
which she coordinates and where she also works as clinical psychologist. She completed a 2-year postgraduate course on primary psychological care (2020-2022) and recently embarked on a 4-year postgraduate Client Centered Psychotherapy course at KULeuven (2023-2027) allowing her to further develop her clinical skills and to increasingly integrate clinical insights and core components from Client Centered psychotherapy into her research and teaching. She is also the proud mother of 4 boys. 


Ama Kissi

Ama Kissi co-leads the Health Equity Advancement Lab in Ghent and holds a position as senior post-doctoral researcher. Her research concerns innovative work on the psychosocial determinants of racism in (mental) health care...


Fleur Baert

Fleur Baert is a senior post-doctoral fellow in the lab with a particular interest in injustice, stigma, and gender, sexual, and racial disparities in (mental) health care and the workplace...


Maité Van Alboom

Maité Van Alboom is a post-doctoral fellow in the lab focusing on racial, gender/sex, and SES disparities in pain care and stigma related to mental health problems and treatment...


Aline Wauters

Aline Wauters is a post-doctoral fellow in the lab coordinating and leading research on memory for pain and birth related experiences and overall perinatal mental health...


Dimitri Van Ryckeghem

Dimitri Van Ryckeghem is a visiting professor at Ghent University and assistant Professor at Maastricht University. He is a leading expert on cognitive biases and has a longstanding collaboration with our lab...


Melanie Noel

Melanie Noel is Professor at the University of Calgary (CA) and international partner of our lab. She is internationally recognized for her groundbreaking work on children’s memories for pain, co-occurring mental health issues and intergenerational trauma and pain...


Adam Hirsh

Adam Hirsh is Professor at Indiana University Indianapolis (USA) and international partner on several research projects of our lab. Collaborative work is reflected by innovative, cross-cultural studies on pain-related injustice and racial disparities in child pain care...


Kai Karos

Kai Karos is Assistant Professor at Maastricht University and international partner of our lab. He is recognized for his work on stigmatization, injustice and invalidation in the context of pain...
