Maité Van Alboom
Maite obtained her Master of Science in Clinical Psychology in 2018 at Ghent University. During her studies she became increasingly interested in the field of Health Psychology. Maité wrote her Masters dissertation on the role of fear-avoidance and acceptance of pain in recovery from surgery in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis.
Maité received an FWO-fellowship to work as a PhD student on the role of stigma and social networks in the context of chronic pain. She obtained her PhD in November 2024 under the supervision of Prof. dr. Liesbet Goubert and Prof. dr. Piet Bracke. Afterwards, she joined the Health Equity Advancement Lab in Ghent as a post-doctoral fellow, where she focuses on racial, gender/sex, and SES disparities in pain care and stigma related to mental health problems and treatment.
Maité also works as a clinical psychologist, guiding people with a variety of symptoms, including chronic pain. Her therapy and guidance is based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

Tine Vervoort
Tine Vervoort is Associate Professor & Head of the Health Equity Advancement Lab in Ghent. She leads a theoretically integrative and clinically informative program of research on interpersonal dynamics in pain & suffering...

Ama Kissi
Ama Kissi co-leads the Health Equity Advancement Lab in Ghent and holds a position as senior post-doctoral researcher. Her research concerns innovative work on the psychosocial determinants of racism in (mental) health care...

Fleur Baert
Fleur Baert is a senior post-doctoral fellow in the lab with a particular interest in injustice, stigma, and gender, sexual, and racial disparities in (mental) health care and the workplace...

Aline Wauters
Aline Wauters is a post-doctoral fellow in the lab coordinating and leading research on memory for pain and birth related experiences and overall perinatal mental health...

Dimitri Van Ryckeghem
Dimitri Van Ryckeghem is a visiting professor at Ghent University and assistant Professor at Maastricht University. He is a leading expert on cognitive biases and has a longstanding collaboration with our lab...

Melanie Noel
Melanie Noel is Professor at the University of Calgary (CA) and international partner of our lab. She is internationally recognized for her groundbreaking work on children’s memories for pain, co-occurring mental health issues and intergenerational trauma and pain...