Adam Hirsh
Adam is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at Indiana University Indianapolis (IUI) and Director of the IUI Pain Research Laboratory. Adam received his PhD in Clinical & Health Psychology from the University of Florida and completed postdoctoral training in Rehabilitation Research at the University of Washington School of Medicine. His laboratory is broadly interested in the biopsychosocial aspects of pain and functioning in humans across the developmental spectrum. They study how individual-level factors (e.g., biology, cognition, emotions) interact with interpersonal and socio-contextual factors (e.g., cultural heritage, social class, relationship status) to influence the experience of and judgments about pain. To this end, they study providers of pain care, patients who experience pain and their family members, and healthy laypersons. They incorporate a diverse array of within- and between-subjects research designs, ranging from epidemiologic to observational to interventional. Their research methods are also diverse and include computer-simulated virtual human technology, laboratory-based quantitative sensory testing, qualitative methods, and clinical data capture. The IUI Pain Research Laboratory is interdisciplinary and highly collaborative, working with national and international colleagues in medicine, health services, communication science, informatics, and computer science. Adam has been collaborating with Dr. Vervoort’s team since 2016. They have conducted innovative, cross-cultural laboratory and clinical studies on pain-related injustice in youth, on the interplay between youth and caregiver appraisals of pain and functioning and racial disparities in child pain care.

Tine Vervoort
Tine Vervoort is Associate Professor & Head of the Health Equity Advancement Lab in Ghent. She leads a theoretically integrative and clinically informative program of research on interpersonal dynamics in pain & suffering...

Ama Kissi
Ama Kissi co-leads the Health Equity Advancement Lab in Ghent and holds a position as senior post-doctoral researcher. Her research concerns innovative work on the psychosocial determinants of racism in (mental) health care...

Fleur Baert
Fleur Baert is a senior post-doctoral fellow in the lab with a particular interest in injustice, stigma, and gender, sexual, and racial disparities in (mental) health care and the workplace...

Maité Van Alboom
Maité Van Alboom is a post-doctoral fellow in the lab focusing on racial, gender/sex, and SES disparities in pain care and stigma related to mental health problems and treatment...

Aline Wauters
Aline Wauters is a post-doctoral fellow in the lab coordinating and leading research on memory for pain and birth related experiences and overall perinatal mental health...

Dimitri Van Ryckeghem
Dimitri Van Ryckeghem is a visiting professor at Ghent University and assistant Professor at Maastricht University. He is a leading expert on cognitive biases and has a longstanding collaboration with our lab...