Ama Kissi
Ama Kissi co-leads the Health Equity Advancement Lab in Ghent and holds a position as senior post-doctoral researcher in this lab. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in psychology (2011) and her master’s degree in clinical psychology (2013) at Ghent University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. During her master’s program, she quickly realized that she did not only want to alleviate human suffering but also wanted to obtain a deeper, scientific understanding of psychological problems. This awareness provided impetus for her decision to pursue a doctoral degree in psychology (obtained in 2019) at Ghent University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences.
Her research primarily focuses on examining the psychosocial determinants of racism in (mental) health care using innovative methodologies that allow for a more fine-grained understanding of these inequities. Besides this work, she’s also involved in research on discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation and racialized identity in health care and the workplace. Additionally, she engages in freelance research for non-profit organizations (e.g., Victoria Deluxe) and institutions (e.g. AfricaMuseum) that wish to improve their understanding of the lived experiences, health, and well-being of racialized individuals in their workplace or society at large. Whether Ama conducts research in an academic context or as a freelancer, she never does this alone. Her research is only made possible by the contributions of other professionals (i.e., academics, healthcare professionals, and organizational psychologists) and the support of her environment. Indeed, as Audre Lorde stated, “Without community, there is no liberation.”
As an advocate for sharing knowledge, she is fiercely dedicated to informing policymakers, healthcare professionals, organizations, and the public about the pernicious impact of racism on health and the importance of inclusive healthcare. She does this by organizing and hosting events (see Monumentum), giving lectures and workshops, and informing the public and stakeholders via interviews (see Racisme is een chronische stressor), a documentary series (see Het Leven in Kleur which won an Ensor for best documentary), panel discussions, podcasts (see React to Racism), and opinion pieces (see We can’t breathe). The ultimate goal of these endeavors is to improve the health and well-being of minoritized, marginalized, underrepresented and underserved groups.
Ama currently works as a licensed clinical psychologist and research and consultancy coordinator in PRAKTIJK50, a multidisciplinary group practice for psychotherapy and coaching, research, and training. She additionally offers freelance psychological services and is affiliated with Young Fenix.

Tine Vervoort
Tine Vervoort is Associate Professor & Head of the Health Equity Advancement Lab in Ghent. She leads a theoretically integrative and clinically informative program of research on interpersonal dynamics in pain & suffering...

Fleur Baert
Fleur Baert is a senior post-doctoral fellow in the lab with a particular interest in injustice, stigma, and gender, sexual, and racial disparities in (mental) health care and the workplace...

Maité Van Alboom
Maité Van Alboom is a post-doctoral fellow in the lab focusing on racial, gender/sex, and SES disparities in pain care and stigma related to mental health problems and treatment...

Aline Wauters
Aline Wauters is a post-doctoral fellow in the lab coordinating and leading research on memory for pain and birth related experiences and overall perinatal mental health...

Dimitri Van Ryckeghem
Dimitri Van Ryckeghem is a visiting professor at Ghent University and assistant Professor at Maastricht University. He is a leading expert on cognitive biases and has a longstanding collaboration with our lab...

Melanie Noel
Melanie Noel is Professor at the University of Calgary (CA) and international partner of our lab. She is internationally recognized for her groundbreaking work on children’s memories for pain, co-occurring mental health issues and intergenerational trauma and pain...